Snow reading around DC were around two feet after the storm. Carolyn Kaster/AP
Washington-Area Federal Agencies to Remain Closed Monday
Region continues to dig out from major winter storm.
Federal offices in the Washington region will remain closed on Monday, the Office of Personnel Management announced Sunday evening.
Emergency and telework-ready employees must follow their agencies' individual policies regarding work, OPM said.
The move came as the national capital region continued to dig out from a massive winter storm over the weekend. Earlier Sunday, the Washington Metro system announced that trains and buses would operate on a limited schedule Monday.
"Non-emergency employees will be granted excused absence (administrative leave) for the number of hours they were scheduled to work," OPM said, "unless they are:
- required to telework,
- on official travel outside of the Washington, DC area,
- on pre-approved leave (including leave without pay), or
- on an alternative work schedule (AWS) day off."