Evan Vucci/AP

White House: Trump’s 'Ban All Muslims' Proposal 'Disqualifies Him From Running for President'

Press Secretary Josh Earnest also got in a joke about the Republican front-runner’s “fake hair.”

Just one day after Don­ald Trump un­veiled a policy pro­pos­al to ban Muslims from en­ter­ing the United States, the White House on Tues­day laid in­to the Re­pub­lic­an front-run­ner. And, like the rest of Amer­ica, Earn­est even mocked his hair.

“What Don­ald Trump said yes­ter­day dis­qual­i­fies him from serving as pres­id­ent,” press sec­ret­ary Josh Earn­est told re­port­ers. “And for Re­pub­lic­an can­did­ates for pres­id­ent to stand by their pledge to sup­port Mr. Trump, that in and of it­self is dis­qual­i­fy­ing.”

On Monday, Trump said there should be “a total and com­plete shut­down of Muslims en­ter­ing the United States un­til our coun­try’s rep­res­ent­at­ives can fig­ure out what is go­ing on” with the ter­ror­ist group the Is­lam­ic State.

The out­cry over Trump’s pro­pos­al was swift and scath­ing. With­in the GOP, New Jer­sey gov­ernor and fel­low pres­id­en­tial can­did­ate Chris Christie de­rided it as “ri­dicu­lous;” Jeb Bush called him “un­hinged.” And House Speak­er Paul Ry­an wasquick to dis­tance the Re­pub­lic­an Party from the com­ments: “This is not con­ser­vat­ism. What was pro­posed yes­ter­day is not what this party stands for and, more im­port­antly, it’s not what this coun­try stands for.”

(Ry­an did, however, say he would “sup­port who­ever the Re­pub­lic­an nom­in­ee is.”)

Earn­est warned that Trump’s “of­fens­ive and tox­ic” rhet­or­ic risked af­fect­ing the rest of the GOP.

“The Trump cam­paign, for months now, has had a dust­bin-of-his­tory-like qual­ity to it, from the vacu­ous slo­gan­eer­ing to the out­right lies to even the fake hair, the whole car­ni­val-bark­er routine that we’ve seen for some time now,” Earn­est said. “The ques­tion now is about the rest of the Re­pub­lic­an Party and wheth­er or not they’re go­ing to be dragged in­to the dust­bin of his­tory with him. And right now, the cur­rent tra­ject­ory is not very good.”