Government Executive April 2000 Vol.32, No.4
The Pen and the Sword
A Few Good Scientists
The Army's R&D labs fill a broad research niche. Now if they could just fill all those top-level vacancies.
Fish Story
The National Marine Fisheries Service is trying to balance two competing goals: promoting the fishing industry and encouraging conservation.
Case Study: Double Vision
After returning from a leadership development program, the finance deputy seems more focused on outside professional development than on his job.
Special Report: The Technology Beast
Government Executive looks at the challenge of managing huge IT projects with the stories behind five major efforts.
Managing Technology: Who's Watching the Store?
Personal Technology: Instant Messaging Isn't an Instant Success
Management: Giving Up the Good Fight
Federal Marketplace: Getting the Most From Your Vendors; Tapping a Unique Labor Pool
Defense Beat: The Campaign That Nobody Discusses
Travel: Charge Rule Frustrates, Confuses Travelers
Thinking Ahead: Helping the Disabled Work
Public Management: Management Courses Go a Long Way
Viewpoint: Government from the View of Business
Editor's Notebook: Good News Is No News
Political World: Who's Prepared to Govern?
The Last Word: Running on Empty
NEXT STORY: Government Performance Project Report Card