The Results Report

The Results Report

December 1997


The Results Report - 1997 Coverage

Year in Review: "Re" Words Rule
1997 has been brought to you by the letters "R" and "E" and the number "2000."

December 11: Hamre on GPRA: Nothing New
The Pentagon's number two official says he is "not impressed" by the Government Performance and Results Act.

November 6: Results Report Card
Congressional Republicans gave most agencies failing grades on their Government Performance and Results Act strategic plans, and called on the agencies to start over with new plans.

November 4: Drug War Goals Debated
A debate over performance targets for the nation's drug czar is being hailed as a precedent-setting moment in the federal government's push to implement the Results Act.

October 31: The GPRA 'Budget Bludgeon'
Agencies that fare poorly under the scoring of the Results Act could face a "budget bludgeon" to force them to improve, a House Republican leader said.

October 20: Just the Beginning
People who thought the first round of the Government Performance and Results Act was over last month when agencies turned in strategic plans are learning what many already knew: Work on the plans has only just begun.

October 7: OMB Eyes Performance Plans
Though the deadline for agencies to submit strategic plans under the Government Performance and Results Act was only a week ago, Office of Management and Budget reviewers are already into the act's second phase--reviewing agencies' performance plans for fiscal 1999.

October 3: Armey Promises GPRA Probes
As politicians blast the Internal Revenue Service for the taxpayer abuses described at recent Senate hearings, the House Republican leadership signaled this week they will use the Government Performance and Results Act to conduct similar probes of other agencies' operations.

September 12: GAO: Eliminate Overlap
Congress can use the changes in the budget process envisioned under the Government Performance and Results Act to eliminate duplicative programs across the government, a new General Accounting Office report says.

September 8: High-Risk Programs Get Mentors
Like at-risk teen-agers in need of guidance, 12 federal operations on the General Accounting Office's list of programs at "high risk" of waste, fraud and mismanagement will receive congressional mentors to help them improve.

September 5: Hill Leaders Turn Up GPRA Heat
House Government Reform and Oversight Committee Chairman Dan Burton, R-Ind., said he would call hearings if federal agencies failed to submit plans for complying with GPRA by Sept. 30.

August 20: Not Making the GPRA Grade
A key congressional leader warned that many agencies' draft plans are in danger of failing to meet the law's requirements.

July 25: Coordinating GPRA Strategies
Agencies with overlapping duties need to coordinate their strategic plans to make sure they don't duplicate each other.

June 25: The Heat is On
Federal agencies failing to develop acceptable strategic plans required under the Government Performance and Results Act may have their appropriations put on hold until they comply, says Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens.

June 20: The Long Hot Summer
Agencies appear to be caught between the OMB rock and a congressional hard place on GPRA consultations.

June 18: Don't Get Burned
The Congressional Institute offered a preview of ways in which lawmakers are likely to find fault with proposed plans and suggested ways for agencies to improve them.

May 21: Do the GPRA Wave
When working out a strategic plan for your agency, get a lot of people involved.

Return to The Results Report.

NEXT STORY: Stay Alert: Roadwork Ahead