Government Executive April 1997 Vol.29, No.4
Buying Smarts
Managers and executives have plenty to gain--and a few things to fear--from the tidal wave of acquisition changes.
Defending the Troops
The Pentagon's multibillion-dollar high-tech arsenal may have toppled the Soviet empire, but it is ill-suited to protect American military personnel against the more insidious threat of terrorism.
Uranium, Inc.
The effort to sell off the U.S. Enrichment Corp. highlights the pitfalls of trying to privatize a government function, especially one with national security implications.
Special Report: Beyond Reinvention
The Clinton administration is pushing a new performance-based administrative architecture for government. In this report, we look at several agencies who have already made the leap to the next generation of reinventing government--sometimes with a Big Bang, but more often with barely a whisper.
Editor's Notebook, Viewpoint, Information Technology, Travel.
NEXT STORY: NASA's Strategic Plan