he National Capital Area Chapter (NCAC) of the American Society for Public Administration and have joined forces to create a joint initiative on "Creating the Public Service of the Future." The project will consist of an effort to solicit ideas of federal employees on the civil service in the next century and a series of monthly seminars on the subject. The brainstorming effort will culminate in a major conference next spring.
Government Executive

Over the next several months, organizers of the joint initiative want to hear your ideas about the public service of the future. How should it be structured? What aspects of the current system need reforming? What current initiatives, such as flexible work schedules and telecommuting, should be expanded?
There are several ways to participate in this important project:
- On the World Wide Web: Join an electronic discussion group about the project on the Government Executive Web site at /forum.
- By e-mail: Send Mark Abramson, NCAC vice president and president-elect, your comments at abramson@leadership.com.
- By mail: Send ideas to Roger Sperry, NCAC President, P.O. Box 366, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044-0366.
NEXT STORY: Nick of Time