The IRS continues to suffer from "serious weaknesses" in its computer security -- resulting in some 6,000 misplaced computer tapes and cartridges, according to a General Accounting Office report released today.
According to the Associated Press, the GAO study declared, "Unless these serious weaknesses are corrected, IRS runs the risk of its tax processing operations being disrupted and taxpayer data being improperly used, modified or destroyed."
The report was released by Senate Governmental Affairs ranking member John Glenn, D-Ohio, sponsor of a bill to impose criminal penalties on IRS workers who illegally snoop into taxpayer records; the House is slated to consider a similar bill next week. Such snooping now is illegal, but does not carry criminal penalties.
While the IRS says it has beefed up its scrutiny and punishment for browsing, the GAO said the efforts are insufficient.
The report is the latest criticism of the IRS' computer system, which the agency has failed to fully modernize despite spending $3.3 billion since 1987.
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