Image via Hadi Djunaedi/

Survive Holiday Party Small Talk with the FORD Technique

A foolproof tool to start a conversation with anyone.

Holiday parties are a great opportunity to relax and catch up with your colleagues. At least, in theory...

For many, holiday parties are a dreaded annual exercise: an hours long endurance test in small talk and social anxiety.

Mastering small talk can go a long way toward reducing the stress and forced awkwardness that can accompany a holiday party. For those not born with the gift of gab, don’t fret. Use the FORD technique to get you through:

  • Family
  • Occupation
  • Recreation
  • Dreams

Ask a few questions about any of the above categories and a conversation is likely to ensue. Even consider committing a few questions to memory.

Head over to Reddit for a few more small talk tips. Do you know any techniques for starting a conversation with somebody you don’t know? 

(Image via Hadi Djunaedi/