
The Republican Solution to Red Tape

Government mandates can’t hurt the economy if they’re stuck in legislative gridlock.


Who Will Grab the Bernie-or-Bust and the Never-Trump Vote?

Opening the general election, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump make an immediate, cross-party pitch to supporters of their rivals’ vanquished opponents.


Hillary Clinton is the First Woman to Become a Major-party Presidential Nominee

Claiming the Democratic nomination for United States president, she fully embraced the magnitude of her milestone.


How Republican Governors Are Narrowing Clinton's Choices

Harry Reid says ‘Hell no’ to a running mate who would be replaced in the Senate by a Republican. That means you, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, and Cory Booker.


Republicans Try to Rein in the National Security Council

As the NSC swells to more than 400 staffers, a congressional proposal offers the White House a choice: Cut it down to size, or subject it to more oversight.


Polls: Tight Race Developing Between Clinton, Trump

A group of new polls released Tuesday shows a surprisingly close race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


Chris Christie Will Start Planning the Trump Transition

The New Jersey governor will lead the presumptive GOP nominee’s transition team. Does that take him out of the running to be vice president?


Trump’s Incoherent 'America First' Foreign Policy Plans

The Republican front-runner delivered a formal address on his doctrine on Wednesday, TelePrompter and all.


A Vice Presidential Free-for-All?

How the Republican delegates in Cleveland could nominate Donald Trump but not his chosen running mate.


How a Serious Third-Party Presidential Run Could Still Happen

It's not too late—yet—for Trump or an anti-Trump to make a credible independent bid.


Three Western States Split Their Primary Support

Clinton and Trump grabbed Arizona, Tuesday’s biggest prize, but Sanders and Cruz claimed impressive wins of their own.


Obama to Cubans: It's Time to 'Leave the Past Behind'

President Obama urges Cubans, and Raúl Castro in particular, to embrace democracy, open markets, and universal human rights.


The Rubio Campaign Ends Where It Began

The Florida senator suspended his campaign at home in the Sunshine state, after voters there swung decisively in favor of Donald Trump.


Chris Christie Rides to Trump's Rescue

The New Jersey governor makes a surprising and timely endorsement of the Republican front-runner.


Trump Comes Out of the Nevada Republican Caucus Victorious

The Republican frontrunner rolled to another dominating victory in Nevada, gathering steam as he heads into Super Tuesday.


Why Is the Undocumented-Immigrant Population Dropping?

The number of people living in the U.S. illegally has fallen to its lowest level in a decade, a new study finds, despite the campaign-trail rhetoric to the contrary.


Democrats Welcome President Obama's Ultimatum on Guns

Senate candidates are fine with the president’s demand that they support restrictions on firearms. What a difference a decade makes.


What the Latest Obamacare Repeal Is Really About

Republicans are passing a doomed bill to prove to voters they can do it for real next year.


Congress Finishes a Surprisingly Productive 2015

The House and Senate passed more significant pieces of legislation than at any time since early in President Obama’s first term.