How the National Weather Service Prepares for the Worst
The agency’s new philosophy gives it a much more active role in girding for disasters.
Hurricane Irma: 'We've Never Seen a Storm This Strong'
“I have little doubt Irma will go down as one of the most infamous in Atlantic hurricane history,” said Eric Blake, a scientist with the National Hurricane Center.
Did Climate Change Intensify Hurricane Harvey?
“The human contribution can be up to 30 percent or so up to the total rainfall coming out of the storm.”
What Kind of Monuments Does President Trump Value?
He’s spoken in support of Confederate statues while threatening to undo as many as 40 conservation parks.
Can the U.S. Government Seize an Anti-Trump Website's Visitor Logs?
The Department of Justice is seeking the 1.3 million IP addresses that accessed a website advertising Inauguration Day protests.
Does the Government Track Anti-Public-Land Extremists?
Some Democrats allege that the Department of the Interior isn’t doing enough to protect public-land employees.
What Does Trump's Budget Mean for the Environment?
His proposal would gut federal enforcement and effectively halt many Superfund cleanups.
The Dismissed EPA Advisers Had Nothing to Do With Regulation
"It’s a very apolitical board—we never discussed politics."
Congress and Trump Won't 'Terminate the EPA'
Instead, they’ll restrict the agency in far subtler ways.
Who Abused Their Executive Power at Standing Rock?
Under the Obama administration, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said the project needed an environmental-impact review. Now, the Corps has reversed course.
Obama's Environmental Legacy, in Two Buttes
The Bears Ears National Monument captures much of what made President Obama inspiring to his supporters—and frustrating to his critics.
Trump’s EPA Pick Is Skeptical of More Than Just Climate Change
As Oklahoma attorney general, Scott Pruitt sued the federal government to prevent rules about air and water pollution from taking effect.
Why the EPA Doesn't Regulate Ocean Acidification
In part, it’s because no one knows how best to do it yet.
The Library of Congress Gets a History-Making New Leader
Carla Hayden is the first woman and African American to serve as Librarian of Congress.
POSYDON Is Like GPS, But for Underwater Drones
The U.S. Navy is developing a new kind of system—built specifically for drone submarines.
Obama Administration Abandons Plans to Drill in the Atlantic Ocean
Oil and gas exploration off the coast of Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico will move forward.
The Supreme Court Didn't Block These White House Climate Initiatives
Even without the Clean Power Plan, dozens of administration regulations are still shifting energy use.
Supreme Court Blocks Obama's Climate-Change Plan
The high court halts a major EPA regulation Tuesday as lower courts deliberate its future.
The U.S. Predicted the Ethiopian Food Crisis Months Ago
A USAID program can predict food insecurity before it occurs. But the warnings aren’t always heeded.