
Congress reaches a bipartisan breakthrough on air traffic controller staffing

After months of false starts, an FAA reauthorization is within reach and promises to address critical workforce shortfalls.

Senate FAA bill drops ‘maximum hiring’ provision aimed at addressing staffing crisis

The bill would take several steps to tackle workforce issues that could cripple the national aviation system, but employee groups are warning they are insufficient.

Biden to require feds to take public transit, other ‘green’ options when traveling

Federal employees should also consider bike sharing or not traveling at all under new guidance.

Overtime, staffing shortages and shutdowns to blame for recent air safety issues, panel finds

A task force is calling on FAA to "urgently" address its staffing issues to avoid further risks to the flying public.

Per diem rates for federal workers will increase this fall, GSA says

The standard lodging rate will jump by nearly $10 beginning in October, as the government continues to confront recent inflation.

The House, Senate and White House all want more FAA staffing, but disagree on how to get there

All parties acknowledge the agency is facing a crisis that will cause mass disruptions to air travel absent more resources.

Flight Delays Will Spike This Summer Due to FAA Staffing Shortages, the Agency Warns

Union leader says the FAA is taking some positive steps to address the crisis, but a solution is years away.

FAA is Facing a Looming Staffing Crisis as Post-Pandemic Needs Grow

Lawmakers suggest expanding the workforce pool to fill shortages, noting the aviation industry is overwhelmingly staffed by white men.

FAA-Caused Flight Delays in New York Preview Potential 'Crisis' in Coming Years

The agency says it is addressing staffing shortages that have contributed to an unusually disruptive summer, but groups warn FAA is not sufficiently planning.

A Federal Employee Group Has Renewed Calls for Agencies to Protect Workers Post-Roe

Among the requests are for administrative leave and travel reimbursement for federal workers who must travel across state lines to receive abortion services, as well as the ability to opt out of relocating to states that ban the procedure.

No Restrictions for Fully Vaccinated Feds on Official Travel

The Safer Federal Workforce Task Force released new guidance for employees.

The Federal Government May Need to Play a Role in Vaccine Credentials, Despite Reluctance

The Biden administration has repeatedly said there will be no federal mandate, but it may be difficult to sit on the sidelines as states and businesses develop their own policies, some experts say.

White House Asks Agencies to Stop All Travel That Is Not Mission Critical 

Work trips to areas with community spread of the virus should only be undertaken if they are critical to protecting life and property, OMB says. 

House Is Investigating Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao’s Possible Conflicts of Interest

The Oversight and Reform Committee is requesting documents related to her family’s company, financial investments and travel.

Federal Travelers Will Get a Small Per Diem Boost in 2020

The General Services Administration has made a number of changes to non-standard area designations, where reimbursement rates are higher.