
House supports a 5.2% pay raise in its draft Defense policy bill, but slashes diversity initiatives

Committee leaders hope to end the National Defense Authorization Act's reputation as a Christmas tree for non-national security amendments.


The State Department’s first DEIA officer departs

They leave behind the department’s first-ever disaggregated data report on demographics, which will “help hold us accountable for doing the work that we say that we want to do.”


Transparency in numbers: Federal contractors must be held accountable for their diversity efforts

COMMENTARY | A more diverse talent pool will result in government services—and access to those services—that are more reflective of the constituents those services support.


How a ‘small, but mighty’ agency is working to advance diversity, equity and inclusion 

The Farm Credit Administration wants its workforce to reflect the diverse borrowers that rely on the institutions it regulates. 


To Advance Equity in Contracting, Make It Easier and Cheaper to Sell to the Public Sector

COMMENTARY | The key to making procurement more inclusive will be to systemically reduce the cost of doing business with public entities—by an order of magnitude.


The Racial Gap in the Financial Industry

Jim Casselberry, CEO and co-founder at Known, joins the podcast to discuss DEI in the banking sector.


GSA Tools Flag Diverse Suppliers for Procurement Officials

Two new online tools give agency buyers a look at diverse vendors and reports on access by new entrants to the federal market.

Pay & Benefits

Ditch Salary History When Setting Job Applicants’ Pay, OPM Proposes

Aimed at reducing gender- and ethnicity-based pay gaps, the initiative would also apply tighter guard rails in cases when an applicant has a competing and higher-paying job offer.


A First-of-Its-Kind Bootcamp for Federal DEIA Officers

A consultancy and nonprofit saw a need for this type of training and joined together to provide it.


Chief Diversity Officers Need to Be Prepared to Manage

Adam Jones and Kevin Johnson join the podcast to discuss the Chief Diversity Officer Bootcamp program.


A New Report Highlights Procurement Innovation Hubs That May Help Achieve White House Equity Goals

The Partnership for Public Service report identified specific case studies across the federal procurement community that modeled collaboration and could advance White House policies on equity, sustainability and modernization.


NASA Asks How to Better Advance Equity Through its Spending Power 

This request for information furthers two executive orders from President Biden. 


Military Readiness, the Pentagon and DEI Programs

Defense One's Kevin Baron joins the podcast to discuss recruiting.


OPM Supports Transgender Feds in New Guidance

On International Transgender Day of Visibility, the federal government’s HR agency tasked agencies with updating their policies to ensure they are inclusive toward gender non-conforming employees.


How An Inclusive Work Environment Attracts and Retains Tech Workers

An inclusive IT staff helps Detroit close workforce gaps and bridge the digital divide.


The Federal Government Paid Out Nearly $70 Million From Discrimination Cases in 2020

A majority of the 14,000 cases filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by federal workers alleged retaliation.


State to End Severe Restrictions on Disabled Individuals Entering Foreign Service

The department will pay out $37.5 million as part of a settlement that will make it easier for people with disabilities to serve in the government's diplomatic corps abroad.


Better Data Is Needed for Evidence-Based DEIA Policies

Temilola Afolabi joins the podcast to discuss how agencies can improve data collection for equity.