Federal Technology Source
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For ten years now, Government Executive has been pleased to bring you The Federal Technology Source, our annual directory of the most important people in the federal technology community.
With the Bush administration's continued focus on technology and e-government, and with a record budget increase for technology goods and services on the horizon, we trust you'll find this year's directory more indispensable than ever.
We're proud to bring you the most authoritative and up-to-date listing of more than 3,000 influential people in the federal technology ranks, as well as the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of key political officials and strategic information technology staff at the White House, Cabinet departments, independent agencies and Congress. We've also included contact information for the chief information officers at every agency, people whose clout and authority have grown in the past year.
You'll also find listings for federal technology contractors and points of contact at the vendor associations that represent them. As the private sector's influence on the shape and scope of the government's use of technology increases, we believe you'll find these contacts to be as essential as those at federal agencies.
A new market has emerged in the wake of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Agencies are using technology to accomplish their homeland security missions, and their dependency on those systems will continue to grow. In this year's Federal Technology Source, you'll find information about hundreds of people whose names may be familiar, but who now have brand new post-Sept. 11 responsibilities.
Our editors are already beginning to compile next year's directory. Send your comments and suggestions to the editors by fax at (202) 739-8511 or by e-mail to techsource@govexec.com. Advertising queries may be directed to Fred Kuhn at (202) 266-7338. The Federal Technology Source list may be leased by qualified organizations. For more information on the availability of the list, call Information Marketing Services at (703) 821-8130.
NEXT STORY: Officials demo technology in emergency drill