Our special report features a new breed of bureaucrat--the chief information officer--responsible for information technology investment and management. Agencies have been choosing their new CIOs and trying to define their roles. We profile these important new players and report on their priorities for the next year.
- Getting a Seat at the Table
- Giving Credit Where Credit is Due
- Agriculture: Anne Reed
- Air Force: Arthur Money
- Army: Otto Guenther
- Commerce: Alan Balutis
- Education: Leo Kornfeld
- Energy: S.W. "Woody" Hall
- HHS: John Callahan
- HUD: Steve Yohai
- Interior: Robert Lamb
- Justice: Stephen Colgate
- Labor: Patricia Lattimore
- State: Eliza McClenaghan
- Transportation: Michael Huerta
- Treasury: Jim Flyzik
- AID: Larry Byrne
- Environmental Protection Agency: Al Pesachowitz
- FEMA: Clay Hollister
- General Services Administration: Shereen Remez
- NASA: Ronald West
- National Science Foundation: Linda Massaro
- OPM: Janet Barnes
- SBA: Lawrence Barrett
- Social Security Administration: John Dyer
NEXT STORY: The Flower Files