Treasury: Jim Flyzik
Treasury Department
1415 New York Avenue N.W. #2150
Washington, D.C. 20220
Phone: 202-622-1592
Fax: 202-622-1595
Career Highlights:
Jan. 1997-Present: Acting deputy assistant secretary for information systems
1990-96: Director of Treasury's Office of Telecommunications Management
1975-1990: Various Secret Service posts, including communications chief, deputy chief of data systems, and deputy chief of communications services and ADP operations
IT Budget (fiscal years):
1996: $1.8 billion
1997: $1.7 billion
1998: $1.7 billion (estimated)
Priority Projects:
- Century Date Change - achieving Year 2000 compliance for all systems.
- Tax Systems Modernization - reengineering business processes and upgrading computer systems at the Internal Revenue Service.
- Treasury Communication System Vision Implementation - implementing advanced technologies and value-added services that provide faster communications at lower costs.
Biggest Challenges:
"Top challenge is implementing all provisions of ITMRA because it will require redefining many business processes and changing the culture within Treasury."
Management Approach:
"A Treasury Investment Review Board has been established to drive budget formulation and execution for information technology. The board will make each IT investment adhere to a structured process for planning, budgeting, procuring and managing that investment. Investments also will be analyzed for consistency with the Treasury architecture and the potential impact on the bureau's ability to meet Year 2000 milestones. We are in the process of implementing performance measures for tracking investments."
On CIOs:
"Chief information officers must establish their credibility with top management by demonstrating the value of IT programs in meeting business objectives."
Hottest Technologies:
"Intranet technology is a tool for reinvention of work processes and interaction among large groups of individuals at many different locations. The Treasury intranet has the potential for Treasury offices and their bureau counterparts to radically change the way they do business."
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