A solution to the problem took shape six years ago with initiation of the Federal Technology Leadership Awards program, sponsored by Government Executive. These awards have become recognized both in government and among private sector technology companies as one of the greatest honors a federal project can receive.
Last year 24 winning projects were chosen by a panel of judges that included leading federal technologists. They were the best of 160 projects competing for the honor by demonstrating that they had directly aided in the missions of their agencies through boosting efficiency and effectiveness, lowering costs, and/or improving service to citizens, through original uses of information technology. The winners were honored at a ceremony and reception in November, were featured in a December article in Government Executive, and are now a part of the database residing at www.govexec.com.
If your agency has a leading-edge information technology project, consider submitting a nomination. For nomination forms, or more information, send an e-mail message to awards@cio.org or write to Awards, 4610 Tournay Road, Bethesda, Md. 20816.
NEXT STORY: The Flower Files