Federal Gender Pay Gap Quiz: The Answers

1.     b. 53%

2.     a. $145,000

3.     False. Not only did women receive more promotions on a percentage basis for those three years, they also received quality step increases more frequently than men did in 1992, 2002 and 2012.

4.     d. Agriculture. The departments of Homeland Security, Justice and Treasury are a close second, with women earning 92 cents for every dollar a man makes.

5.     True. White-collar women aged 25 to 34 working in the federal government earned 95 cents for every dollar a man earned in 2012; for women aged 35 to 44, the gap was about 8 cents. For female workers aged 45 and older, the gender pay gap ranged from 14 cents to 25 cents.

6.     d. All of the above

7.     b. 35%. In 1992, 13 percent of white-collar federal women held a post-doctorate degree.

8.     False. Blacks made up about 18 percent of the total white-collar federal workforce in 2012. Of that total, 63 percent of the workforce was female, and 37 percent was male. The split was even greater in 1992, when 70 percent of African Americans who had white-collar federal jobs were women.

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