Steve Cukrov/Shutterstock.com
Poll: What do you know about sequestration?
As automatic, governmentwide spending cuts loom, there are still more questions than answers.
Sequestration is nearly upon us. Every day it’s looking more likely that automatic, across-the-board spending cuts will happen , at least for a little while. Earlier this month, Congress delayed them until March 1, but at this point they feel almost inevitable, after more than a year of debate, dread and deadlock. Because the Obama administration waited so long to even acknowledge the possibility of sequestration , there’s still a lot of uncertainty over how the indiscriminate spending cuts will affect government services and the federal workforce.
The Office of Management and Budget has said furloughs are a last resort, but even so, no one really knows where, how or when the ax will fall. Agencies lately have been more forthcoming about their sequestration plan, and how they expect the spending cuts to play out. But there are still more questions than answers.
NEXT STORY: Pay Looms Large in Budget Debate