Senior Executive Service 1998 Pay Scale

Atlanta, GA $105,331 $110,321 $115,311 $121,576 $125,717 $125,717
Boston-Worcester-Lawrence, MA-NH-ME-CT 107,741 112,846 117,950 124,358 125,900* 125,900*
Chicago-Gary-Kenosha, IL-IN-WI 108,336 113,469 118,602 125,045 125,900* 125,900*
Cincinnati-Hamilton, OH-KY-IN 106,848 111,911 116,973 123,328 125,900* 125,900*
Cleveland-Akron, OH 105,499 110,498 115,496 121,771 125,900* 125,900*
Columbus, OH 106,045 111,069 116,093 122,401 125,900* 125,900*
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX 106,045 111,069 116,093 122,401 125,900* 125,900*
Dayton-Springfield, OH 105,340 110,331 115,322 121,588 125,729 125,729
Denver-Boulder-Greeley, CO 107,592 112,690 117,788 124,187 125,900* 125,900*
Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, MI 108,485 113,625 118,765 125,217 125,900* 125,900*
Hartford, CT 108,257 113,386 118,515 124,954 125,900* 125,900*
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX 111,064 116,326 121,589 125,900* 125,900* 125,900*
Huntsville, AL 104,993 109,968 114,942 121,187 125,315 125,315
Indianapolis, IN 104,785 109,750 114,714 120,946 125,066 125,066
Kansas City, MO-KS 105,212 110,196 115,181 121,439 125,575 125,575
Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA 109,428 114,612 119,797 125,900* 125,900* 125,900*
Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL 106,997 112,067 117,136 123,500 125,900* 125,900*
Milwaukee-Racine,WI 105,340 110,331 115,322 121,588 125,729 125,729
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI 106,461 111,505 116,550 122,881 125,900* 125,900*
New York-N. New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA 108,882 114,041 119,199 125,675 125,900* 125,900*
Orlando, FL 104,577 109,531 114,486 120,706 124,817 124,817
Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-DE-MD 106,809 111,869 116,930 123,282 125,900* 125,900*
Pittsburgh, PA 105,360 110,352 115,344 121,610 125,753 125,753
Portland-Salem, OR-WA 106,313 111,350 116,387 122,710 125,900* 125,900*
Richmond-Petersburg, VA 105,271 110,259 115,246 121,507 125,646 125,646
Sacramento-Yolo, CA 106,779 111,838 116,897 123,248 125,900* 125,900*
St. Louis, MO-IL 104,864 109,833 114,801 121,038 125,161 125,161
San Diego, CA 107,076 112,150 117,223 123,591 125,900* 125,900*
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 111,164 116,430 121,697 125,900* 125,900* 125,900*
Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, WA 106,481 111,526 116,571 122,904 125,900* 125,900*
Washington-Baltimore, DC-MD-VA-WV 106,412 111,454 116,495 122,824 125,900* 125,900*
Rest of U.S. 104,577 109,531 114,486 120,706 124,817 124,817

* Rate limited to the rate for Level III of the Executive Schedule.

NEXT STORY: 1997 Federal Pay Tables