Play of the Day: The U.S. and Humpty Dumpty

In this version, the king's men mostly want to know if the wall is OK.

According to a new book about the Trump family, Donald Trump Jr. was called "Diaper Don" derisively while attending college. Late Night's Seth Meyers joked about the news, saying "like father, like son."

With an executive order this week, President Donald Trump reversed his administration's policy of separating undocumented children at the border from their parents. However, the plan does not have a clear path to reunifying the families, prompting Last Week Tonight's John Oliver to joke that plan is like a recipe for cake that just says "you will enjoy some cake." The Break's Michelle Wolf joked that this plan is like a popular nursery rhyme, saying "You think Humpty Dumpty had trouble getting put back together, just imagine if all the king's men were disinterested racists," adding that they'd probably just ask "is the wall okay?"

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