Play of the Day: Who – or What – Will Replace Scaramucci?

The White House Communications Director is out after 10 days.

President Donald Trump shook up the West Wing late last week by replacing Reince Priebus with Gen. John Kelly as chief of staff. Late Show's Stephen Colbert joked about the contrast between the two, saying "Kelly is military, Priebus a Washington insider. Kelly's from Boston, Priebus from Wisconsin. John Kelly has two first names, Reince Priebus has no recognizable first names at all."

In his new job, Kelly fired outspoken White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci on Monday. The Tonight Show's Jimmy Fallon joked about Scaramucci's general aura, saying Scaramucci's "cologne will linger forever." Colbert joked that the White House would probably like to eclipse Scaramucci's 10-day tenure for the next person in his job and suggested a fruit fly, while Late Night's Seth Meyers suggested a series of replacements like a "lasagna with a switchblade" or an "airhorn with chest hair."