Play of the Day: The TSA is Going to be Everywhere

The Colbert Report examines the new VIPR program.

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With news of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign is releasing an album of hip-hop songs , Conan O’Brien took opportunity to make some fitness and fat jokes. Referencing 50 Cent’s debut album, O’Brien joked that one of the songs on the Let’s Move album could be “Get Ripped or Die Tryin’” Tuesday night.

One of ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel’s running jokes is to ask questions of those walking near his studio on Hollywood Boulevard. Tuesday, he asked pedestrians if they could recite the Pledge of Allegiance as stated in Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 4 of the US Code . Not surprisingly, not even Superman could get it correct.

Stephen Colbert spent some of Tuesday talking about the proposed expansion of the Transportation Security Administration's screening through its VIPR program . Colbert acknowledged that “transportation” is a wide-ranging term and suggested different places TSA screeners could work.

Fast forward to 3:20 to see how TSA could screen the most popular of all forms of American transportation.