Play of the Day: North Korea’s New Technology

Working backwards from nuclear bombs, the hermit kingdom says it has built its own smartphone.

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Federal scientists have spent the past four months living in a small dome in Hawaii trying to best recreate living conditions on Mars. The U.S. Geological Survey Astrogeology researchers were experimenting with foods to find the best foods for a manned Mars trip. Conan O’Brien joked about the findings, comparing the results to the foods he ate in college.

ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel looked toward North Korea with the news that the nation claims it has developed and built its own smartphone . The origins of the device -- named the Arirang -- have been disputed, leading Kimmel to joke that “it isn’t just America that’s cheating off the Chinese kids.” Kimmel also joked about the laws against wifi and data networks in the hermit kingdom, saying that the phone will just be a rectangle one charges once a day.

Fast forward to 2:35 to see the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un stare at things at the smartphone facility.