Congress Sets a New Record for Being Hated
In a new poll, more than 80 percent of respondents disapprove of Congress.
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls finds that in addition to setting new milestones for futility, Congress is also more hated than it's ever been. A full 83 percent of respondents say they disapprove of the job Congress is doing, the highest number for that question since the poll began tracking the number. (The last time it was even above 50 percent was in 2002.) You can read the full poll questions and results here.
President Obama is not doing so great either, though by comparison to Capitol Hill he looks fantastic. His approval rating is at 45 percent, just off of his all-time low of 44 that he reached in the midst of the debt ceiling crisis in 2011. With a margin of error at about 3 percent, the nation is basically split down the middle on their opinion of him and the way he's handling the economy.
Another 60 percent feel that the country is "off track," a number that's remained pretty consistent since the financial crisis began, though not as bad as it was in the doldrums of 2008, when things were at their worst.
NEXT STORY: IRS Officials’ Paid Leave and Bonuses Questioned