Play of the Day: A Passover Victory for Obama

The president’s diplomatic skills in Israel were fair game Monday.

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The Comedy Central shows came back from vacation Monday and both looked to news each missed while away. The Colbert Report mostly commented on non-political stories, but Stephen Colbert did manage to get in a joke comparing the Congressional budget to jazz’s appeal. On The Daily Show , host Jon Stewart focused an entire segment on Obama’s trip to the Holy Land, including his diplomatic victory of arranging communication between Israel and Turkey .

Elsewhere, Late Show host David Letterman had the zinger of the evening toward the federal workforce, tying their productivity to tax season, while The Tonight Show ’s Jay Leno was able to joke about the FAA tower closures and the friendship between the United States and Israel.

Fast forward to 3:10 to watch Stewart speak for all Jews in explaining why Israel needed to have a robot bring Obama some matzah.