Play of the Day: ATF and its YouTube channel

The Daily Show gets to the heart of the bureau's operations.

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Last night, The Daily Show addressed the declawed Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, which hasn't been able to have a director confirmed by Congress in six years.

"The ATF hasn't been completely deballed," Jon Stewart said. "Thanks to the First Amendment, they still do have a YouTube channel that they use to warmly encourage gun dealers to act responsibly."

Fast-forward to 3:50 to see the humorously meek directives offered on that YouTube channel.

But today's must-see moment is Conan O'Brien's video blog entry, created to make his show more "accessible to teens." "There's a lot of stuff going on in the world that needs to be commented on," O'Brien said, which clearly calls for pictures of "animals with emotions." At :41, see a baboon react to the recent news about Al Roker's White House visit. There's more great reactions (bears, penguins, Tommy Lee Jones!) dabbled throughout.

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