Is the Secret Service Hiring Alien Reptile Shapeshifters?

And if so, are they subject to furloughs?

The Secret Service has had more than its share of issues lately, from a prostitution scandal to getting caught in the middle of a political tiff over canceling White House tours due to sequestration. But at least the agency's leaders weren't doing anything truly crazy, like hiring alien reptilian shapeshifters to guard the president.

Or were they ?

Danger Room reports today on a new conspiracy video -- and it's a hoot -- purporting to show that a shapeshifter is on President Obama's security detail, and accidentally revealed himself to news cameras during a recent speech by the president. Apparently the alien's mechanism for changing his reptilian appearance went a little haywire.

Danger Room succeeded in getting an actual comment on this blockbuster story from Caitlin Hayden, the chief spokeswoman for the National Security Council: “Any alleged program to guard the president with aliens or robots would likely have to be scaled back or eliminated in the sequester.”

If that non-denial denial just makes the story even more intriguing to you, then this video is right up your alley: