Foreign Service Group: Thanks, Ben Affleck!
Association congratulates 'Argo' director on Golden Globe awards.
When Ben Affleck accepted the best director Golden Globe Award Sunday night, he went out of his way to thank the employees of the CIA's Clandestine Service and the Foreign Service officers on whose exploits his film Argo was based. Now the American Foreign Service Association is returning the favor.
The group issued congratulations to Affleck, the cast, crew, and the producers of the mostly true tale of the daring evacuation of U.S. diplomats trapped in Iran in 1980. “The Iran hostage crisis is an unforgettable part of Foreign Service and U.S. diplomatic history, “the statement said, “so we are truly gratified that Argo has done so much to highlight not just the historical event, but also the mission of the men and women in our diplomatic service who represent the United States around the world and work to advance and protect our nation’s interests.”
In December, AFSA hosted a screening of the film with the central character in the movie, Tony Mendez, along with Kathy Stafford and Bob Anders—two of the hostages portrayed in the film—and former AFSA president and Iran hostage Ambassador John Limbert.
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