Play of the Day -- What do Fidel Castro and Barack Obama have in common?

A daily roundup of late-night video.

Jay Leno on Friday drew a comical comparison between former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who made a rare television appearance on Thursday, and President Obama: Leno joked, Castro "said he went on TV basically to prove that he's still alive. Pretty much the same reason President Obama was on TV last night: 'I'm still here!'" And Bill Maher made a guest appearance on Leno, using the opportunity to lambaste the Republican 2012 field. On Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Maher said, "That's what America needs now, a president of the United States who's not really sold on the whole 'United States' concept." Fast forward to today's Must See Moment at 1:18, when New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg makes a cameo on the season finale of HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm:

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