The Week in Comments: Cuts, pay and pay cuts

The best in reader reaction to recent articles.

A roundup of some of the comments received this week in the Mailbag. All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On Senate panel defeats bill that would forgive debt for some disaster victims

Seriously? The government can't afford salaries or pensions but can give money away to people who don't qualify for it? I was overpaid about $500 when returned from civilian service in Iraq. I got a notice that I had a choice to resolve the government's error: Pay it back or they would take it.

You've got to be kidding

Mark this date, for once the Senate is not going to reward law breakers.


Good for them! Why are we paying people who are stupidly living in places that flood? Maybe a loan to them would be appropriate in order to see them through a rough period but not free money, ever!


On Democrats still won't rule out cuts to federal pay and benefits

I hope that an increase in taxes and a drop in Defense spending is also on the table... no sacred cows.

the table

I find it interesting that Congress and the President believe everything should be on the table...that's fair...just as soon as Congress is required to complete 30 years of service before collecting any retirement...that Congress must contribute to their retirement...that Congress must contribute to social security...that Congress must pay for their medical...that is truly being "fair across the board."

Larry Crutchfield

Put everything on the table and feast from the hardworking feds pay and benefits as you licked up the porkfat over the past 50 years!! Look folks, we didn't get into this mess overnight -so that means if we must eat dried jerky and grits - lets start small, slow and over a long period of time on any cuts in federal pay and benefits.

Zukie Limmer

Unless Congress is talking substantive changes to Social Security, Medicare/ Medicaid, and Defense, they're not being serious about deficit reduction. Political pandering, as usual...


If federal pay and benefits need to be reformed in line with the private sector, then in 7-8 years when the private sector is going like gangbusters again, then federal civil service salaries and benefits will increase also? Didn't think so.


On Avoiding talk of cuts is 'managerial cowardice'

And as we approach the annual exercise known as "close-out" in late September, where everyone attempts to spends as much money as possible before 1 Oct 11 or lose it back to the big budget in the sky...I wonder how many billions it would save over 10 years if they would quit penalizing military units for being frugal...


Maybe dod and the various agencies should look at the crap we spend every year! The Army wastes thousands on work-less meetings and conferences. This year alone $1M for civilian employees, $1M for senior leaders, $10M for AUSA and these are just at the pentagon! Cant wait until the birthday ball. Whats that? Another $550K? It's just a party around here.

Army Brat

We need to stop sending in our troops to topple every two bit dictator that has tweaked our nose regardless of whether they are sitting on an oil reserve. We also don't need additional aircraft carriers and have them based at more ports around the country. All this does is get more Congressional support for an ever increasing military. 5% cut!!! get real. The military could easily take a 10 to 15 percent cut and it would be the same as a rounding error.

Former Fed

On Obama orders shift to alternate fuel vehicles in federal fleet

The plan is all well and good. However, there are no gas stations in the Rockville are that sell the gas and take the government credit card. We are, therefore, unable to purchase the proper gas for these vehicles and must use regular gas.

Jane Brown

Does this mean that the 1 and 2-star generals will have to give up their big SUVs, or will any thing work as a good reason to have one? I can just see these important people driving a regular sedan.


This sounds like a one-size fits all solution for a problem that isn't one sized. What about law enforcement vehicles? How is a dinky little hybrid supposed to catch up with a large V-8 modified for speed? Might as well give LEOs golf carts for all the good they will do. I'm all for mandating more fuel efficiency, but lets use some common sense and give agencies some discretion over thier own fleets.


On Women in government are slightly less satisfied than men

Who comes up with stupid polls like this???? A waste of time and money.


Sorry survey - I'm a female GS-13 and I view my workplace the same as my male peers - Great. As far a work / personal life balance ... this is not a work issue but a personal one. It is my job to balance my life, not my supervisor's job.


On Presidential hopeful would freeze federal salaries, reduce retirement benefits

Fortunately, Mr. Pawlenty's ideas are functionally irrelevant.


Why is it the federal worker's responsibility to pay down the debt? Washington continues to spend extravagantly and we are supposed to pay the bill? What is wrong with this picture?


Well - I guess he does not want any votes from the federal work force! Does he have any opinions on the number of Hill staffers and other assistants that politicians get????

Jane Pope

If retirements are cut people old enough to retire and are lower grade aren't going to be able to afford to retire. It is tough enough for them now. Then you have the threat that Social Security may be broke by then. Really makes a person want to waste their life working for the governement doesn't it?

Sandra Lee Raughley

Wonder if Mr. Pawlenty is one of the majoriy of Congress who voted NOT to freeze or cut their pay? ...Pot calling the kettle black! 1st these Congressmen (especially the Republicans) should make a little sacrifice themselves before TOTALLY sacrificing the federal workers to try to save face due to the disgraceful way THEY have put the American people in debt and run the country in the ground! I am so sick of this scapegoat propaganda!!!

P Burton

Does he mean that all federal employees - including Congress and the President - will also have their retirement and health benefits reduced?


On Analysis: Politics of federal pay obscures the facts

Commenting on the author's last paragraph, Congress, namely Republicans, DON'T CARE if nobody with specialized talent wants to work for the Federal Government. Reps want to turn Government functions over to private industry. Hence, they are willing to limit employee hiring and reduce agency effectiveness. Then they can say, 'see, we need to privatize this function!'


Wow! Someone with a logical, common sense approach --- apples to apples. Are the politicians on either side listening? Yeah. RIGHT!!! This should be emailed to every legislator.


Bravo! Finally a non-partisan realistic view of the problem. Unions, if you want to do something for your members, quit grandstanding and start your own comprehensive analysis as outlined in this article. Then you will have a legit leg to stand on and can rebuff the errors of the candidates.
