A roundup of some of the comments received this week in the GovExec.com Mailbag. All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.
On Congress votes down proposals to freeze federal pay
So here we go again......let's consider eliminating, postponing, and or manipulating the federal pay COLAS and locality pay % calculations. OOPS, but let's not forget to increase the employees health insurance portion increase to well over the normal 10 % increase. So that way as each year goes by the modest income of the federal employee actually decreases. Are we proud to me public civil servants....yes Are we proude of our jobs....yes Are we ever truly compensated.....No. It will probably never happen....but in a real society with Senators, Congressmen, and a true political machine operating in harmony the federal employee should be compensated appropriately. Can we make it mandatory that all the above including all staff of those read this?
Concerned Federal CSRS Employee
Many hard working Federal employees in the lower grades need every dollar to continue to serve. Those of us in the highest grades, however, can afford to wait a year for any inceases. We have been blessed to rise so high. I have worked in the non-profit sector and taken pay cuts to save the organization. This would be nothing to give up for so generous a country.
So reckless Wall Street insiders wreck the US economy. The damage requires the US taxpayers to pony up billions or is it trillions of dollars to shore up the damage. The economy goes into a tailspin, federal employees along with the entire US workforce suffer huge losses in their retirement accounts. In response the political opposition stymies any oversight of financial regulation, and their point man, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn, decides that federal employees must be punished for this entire debacle. Fortunately this proposal is defeated, for now. Mad world? Go figure!
These 'employee organizations' don't represent me. The pay freeze would have been painful to me, but it was a reasonable proposal. Yes, you can estimate ten-year (or beyond) savings because any 2012 raise would be applied to the 2010 base rather than to an increased 2011 base. Our pay problems are caused by our own Executive branch, not the Legislative branch. Congress appropriates plenty to compensate us adequately, but the money is horribly mis-managed by poor leadership.
I'd gladly give up my 1.4%, as long as ALL other Government spending was frozen at current levels.
On ICE steps up immigration enforcement efforts
This is no longer a joke. The efficient operation should have begun after 9/11 -- but it did not and they have been negligent ever since that horrific event. Unfortunately, no one is ever held accountable. As a matter of fact, there is even anyone at the leadership level to enforce and that includes Napolitano.
Amnesty is coming. No doubt about it. When the November elections take place and the Democrats realize just how many of them will be voted out. You can bet your bottom dollar that the next move will be amnesty to assure themselves of the next election in 2012.
You can take that to the bank. After the November elections this whole amnesty idea will take off like a rocket.
On High-performing organizations fade into the A-76 sunset
A-76 and the latest "re-engineering" debacle only wasted time and money. They should both be buried as deep as possible.
At best, they were a shot in the arm for beltway bandits to skim off tax-payers dollars with the latest buzz-words and MBA-mumbo-jumbo. At worst, A-76 was a distraction from the accomplishment of critical government missions.
As long as the Government hides behind the issue of using different colors of money and uses a reverse accounting practice to all other Americans and American companies you will never see the real dollars spent/wasted. They dont even know how much we really have or need to get and thats your government. A-76 was just away to spread the wealth around to a select few tied to the machine. Business as usual for Washington.
On Coast Guard evaluates hurricane impact on Gulf oil spill
OK maybe I'm just looking at this in an oversimplified way because I know absolutely NOTHING about oil wells. What I do know is if you want to stop water coming out the end of a water hose you simply pinch the end closed. Water stops. Or you bend the hose in half several inches before the opening--water stops or almost stops. Is there a reason they can't just pinch the end of the pipe closed to cut off the flow? Just asking!!
On Coast Guard evaluates hurricane impact on Gulf oil spill
Of course they don't want a union at TSA. If they have one then management can't get away with all of their agendas, such as forcing out older workers in favor of "30 somethings", granting raises to the employees they favor, hiring interns in order to get around the hiring laws, the list goes on. Folks, we need more union presence in the Government. They protect us from "Harvard Business School" style managers.
Unions have and always will be a disaster for this country. Need I point to the auto and airline industries which are nearly bankrupt. Now we learn the biggest union numbers are in local state and fed govt. Give me a break. Private sector knows how to be more efficient than any govt agency - and the trend is in the reverse. Govt is more bloated and useless than ever. Every govt employee already had union represntation in congress - they advocate for them every year - we dont need union thugs and union bosses taking more pay and spending to get weak presidents elected.
On Panel endorses performance-based pay for Defense intelligence employees
Having been in a pay for performance demo project for 15 years, pay for performance works. However the federal unions will never agree to it because their goal it to help the lowest common denominator. They would rather reward seniority then productivity.
All government employees should be put under the General Schedule which has a pay for performance built in if it is used correctly. Any rule or law is only as strong as being its being enforced.
Obama needs to clean out all the hold over execs in DOD. All systems outside of the regular civil service system are nothing but butt kissing.
Another waste of government money! When is this insanity of performance-based mearsurements going to end? In intelligence is there a product one employee creates and finishes? How do you measure sharing of intell. Performance is measured how? I work in another agency that does not recognize teamwork and therefore the expected performance has not improved. Never will, there is no I in team.
On Pentagon official searches for the source of contracting waste
Here are two of the biggest causes of overruns. We all know it, but no one will do anything about it, because the first one to be honest will lose. a. Understating the cost up front. It's simple: If you give the real price up front, you'll get hit from all sides for overestimating and someone else will get the job. Honesty is punished. b. Short sighted program managers. Too many PMs make decisions on a "how long is my tour" timeline. All decisions will be made to minimize problems during their tour without regard to the long term programmatic impacts. Eventually someone has to pay the piper, but by that time, the person who made the decision has two promotions. We need career long accountabilty, not just for the two years someone is in a job.
At least Mr. Kendall is starting somewhere, the reality is if he finishes this project. There are only a couple of major suppliers so he doesn't have to look far there. And even though these suppliers have not performed well, or at all, they consistently get the billion dollar contracts. So will this study make a difference? Doubt it!!
As long as resourcing (personnel and infrastrucure) is based on how much money an office/organization spends to achieve the end result waste will be inherent. Everyone complains about cost and time growth but in the end, under their breath, they are really saying thank God! more working place = more dollars for the organization, which translates to more people and equipment for the organization. Rushing contracts to award before they are ready, which happens all the time for a variety of reasons (some Officer wants a particular contract awarded on his watch so that he can take credit for it on a FITREP comes to mind), virtually guarantees waste. Award schedules need to be based on contracts being realistically complete and enforceable prior to award, not some arbitrary date set by someone with a vested interest. There has to be some incentive in the organization for saving money, right now that does not exist. Organizations will never make cultural changes required to reduce inherent waste so long as the end result of saving money and operating more efficiently is a reduction in forces.
On Obama extends benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees
Same sex partners now have access to federal benefits while opposite sex partners are denied the same benefits unless they are married. It seems we are rewarding a specific class of employees while denying another class of employees the same rights and privileges.
What about heterosexual 'domestic partners'? Berry's definition certainly could apply to heterosexuals living together and I know a number who are "hard-working, dedicated, and patriotic public servants" who don't have these benefits. By the way, many of these heterosexual couples don't qualify for common law marriage as many states don't recognize it.
Diversity and treating all with equal respect...It's about time! Heterosexuals have the option to get married, legally, and can reap the benefits right away. It's awful comparing this to gays/lesbians who don't have the same option. We are all human beings...respect everyone and quit discriminating. This is a good thing. Remember slavery? Thank goodness our children don't have to see that any more.
Two important points. 1. Heterosexual domestic partners have the option of getting married in any of our 50 states--same sex partners do not. That's why the benefit doesn't need to be extended to heterosexual domestic partners. 2. The benefits being extended currently require no marriage license or other "official document" as proof for married heterosexual couples today--the only requirement is for the federal employee to name the spouse/ children. Nothing different about this process.
All these comments about poor heterosexual partners.... poor oppressed them! Opposite sex couples CAN get married. In most states, same-sex couples cannot and recognition under statute (as opposed to EO) is BARRED at the federal level. You want to even the playing field? Let the gays get married and then we can retract this whole domestic partner patchwork.
I have had to subsidize all the people who chose to have 3, 4, 5, 6+ children, how is that fair? Why should I have to pay for your children? This is just extending a benefit that is available to most and is some what arbitrarily denied to some. and yes, I believe it should be extended to same-sex partners. Actually, best would be to pay a fair wage and retract all these "benefits" so each could choose how best to meet their own needs.
"Once again it's not about what the majority considers right, moral or just. It's about sucking up to a minority group and buying votes. And some wonder why this country is in the biggest disaster we have ever been in. This just shows the direction that we are headed and the ultimate destruction to come." I agree, morality is a thing of the past. This occurred in History once before and Sodam & Gemorrah were utterly destroyed. Care to guess where we are headed?
The President has opened pandora's box with this executive order. The list of dependents of shared living accommodations will grow beyond description. Who is Obama's advisors for this outrageous new benefit? There will be civil cases developed from this new benefit and the courts will be backlogged. This is ridiculous! If this is the case, then I could divorce my wife and still live together and qualify for the benefits we are entitled too without being married. And, my children could also live with a partner and qualify for benefits. There is no end in sight for this ludicrous executive order. I concur with all the comments posted prior to mine.
Partners is plural. How many partners do we get? Can I have male and female or is there some restrictions? Must all the partners be living? What about livestock and pets? What/who determines what constitutes partners. Fella, you are on a slippery slope. Marriage was well defined for thousands of years but now the left has moved to insanity--nice change.
On Pay Raise: What Do You Think?
SThe fact that Federald Jobs are so highly pursued tells me that there is at least parity between the public and private sector in terms of pay. Similarly, if military recruiters are meeting quotas, pay is not an issue. Therefore, I don't think there is a need for a pay raise at all. Until we can't get qualified people to fill the positions, keep the pay as is. The real problem with government employees is that it is extraordinarily difficult to remove incompetent and lazy individuals from the federal employment roles. For the incompetent and lazy, landing a federal job is like hitting the lottery.
Economic pain should not have classes. It's tough for everyone, and EVERYONE must share. Military personnel in combat zones should receive premium pay. An E-1/O-1 sitting in an air-conditioned suite in the Pentagon should not. What really demands attention are the ridiculous bonuses paid to those in specialty fields. I know of one O-3 in the Navy nuclear program that is getting $75,000 bonus to stay onboard for 3 or 4 more years AND will spend 1 of those years getting a graduate degree. Our doughboys are rolling in their graves.
Honestly we should feel lucky to receive any raise at all. I think a lot of us who are in this for the long haul would be willing to sacrifice a little now if it meant getting our country back on more stable financial ground. We cannot continue to spend money we do not have (individually or collectively as a nation).
As the parent of sons in the military and a former Army wife, I can tell you that the benefits and other forms of compensation provided to our service members are slowly being taken away. Family members no longer get free medical treatment, on-base services have been cut, etc. As long as we have men and women who are defending our country who rely on food stamps and WIC to feed their families, there is something terribly wrong!
Federal employees are struggling with the poor economy as much as any other citizen in the US. We also have bills to pay and families to support. Not to mention the fact that most Federal employees have spouses who work in the private sector, who have been laid off and if they were lucky found a job, that pays less than they were making before.
Why does it always seem that the civilians and military take the hit when the government is spending so much money overseas for wars? We are not the ones spending the money and our salaries are so low below the across the country for our job positions.
Pay raise should be on the geographic place and the comparable position in private sector. Most scientists are under paid in Gov. by at least 33%. That should be taken in the equation when paid raise is calculated.
There is no amount of an increase that can fairly compensate military members -- especially those in combat zones.
Perhaps a pay giveback program for government employees/politicians who make over $200,000 a year would be helpful?
Perhaps it would be easier to accept if the President, Congress, and Senate led by example and took a paycut and laid off/cut salaries of some members of their own entourages. How many staff members does the first lady really need? There is a reason why the cost-of-living is so high in the D.C. area, it is because the average salary is so high there.
NEXT STORY: Government By BlackBerry?