The Week in Comments: The pros and cons of telework, government and the Constitution
The best in reader reaction to recent articles.
A roundup of some of the comments received this week in the Mailbag. All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.
On Obama halts new offshore drilling but defends plan
Wouldn't want to say the government, Obama administration, had anything to do with this well blowing, however, when was the last time something this state of the art blew? Could it be some sort of conspiracy to say we want to explore and drill but look at the results when we do?
An observation. Bush did nothing during Katrina and he is a racist. Obama has done nothing about the oil spill (except talk) and he is a hero? Bias?
If every "accident" stopped some project or another, we wouldn't need more many die in car accidents each year, how many in plane crashes, train derailments, drug over wait they all make too much money and provide too many jobs, guess we can live with those "accidents" after all. I'd say invest in a good pair of shoes but too many people die from falling accidents each year.
My, my, the tin foil hat contingency is out in force. Rather believe in stark, absurd political terrorism directed by the POTUS than accept the fact that the pro-drill people don't want to do anything to safeguard the environment. And for no logical reason other than the democrats support protecting the environment ergo I must be against. And what they perceive as the evil opposition? Obama has NOT reversed his decision to look into more offshore drilling. How radical. This does give us on the dark side some teeth when negotiating new leases to force industry to pony up true safeguards which cost real money not just give it lip service with a wink and a nod.
On Contracting program to help the disadvantaged riddled with fraud
An inherently corrupt program: awarding spoils based upon political considerations rather than the best deal for the tax payer.
And this is news? Surprise folks .. this has been going on a long time (i.e. decades).
Why is there no mention of any prosecution of these fraudulent firms? Removal from 8A is obviously not enough of a deterrent, while SBA contniues to prove they are incapable of stopping this activity.
On Obama offers strong defense of government in Michigan speech
The president validated the primary characterization that the right has said for years about people like Clinton, obama, etc. that they clearly believe that America is great because of government. It would be like saying the NFL is great because of the officals and the rules committee. He mentioned Franklin's comment about "keeping the republic", then proceeded to use the word "decmocracy" at every step in his speech. Yet he failed to mention that Franklin and the other founders greatest was democarcy itself, which is why they set up a republic! There was no mention of individual achievement, our business leaders etc. Who built the roads, bridges, and railroads? PRIVATE companies. He speaks of how government is demonized, when the government is "us", then proceeds to make condesending remarks about big business and wall steet. Aren't they "us" also? Or are they some foreign entity? In conclusion if you blieve in a stronger role for government, that government is what makes us great, you heard what you wanted. If you believe that he is a european style, big government, socialist her heard what you wanted.
Government is not inherently bad, but it is inherently coercive, bureaucratic, and inefficient. It's necessary, but should be limmited to the extent feasible.
Government meets the needs of a lot of people in a lot of ways. Those who drive the interstates, enjoy that piece of the government, but don't want to pay for food stamps. Those who get food stamps are happy for the favor, but might not agree with the Space program. Others might like to get weather reports from the National Weather Service, but not pay for military actions. There are some who enjoy the national parks, but don't like the idea of paying for education. It is a huge circle. We all chip in to help. Yeah, if we could choose, I would give more to the needy in this country and stop my tax dollars from going overseas.
These days, more people are choosing to live in gated communities, with a home owners group. The homeowners set the rules by which you can live on your own property. They tell you what color roses you can plant, if you can have red shutters on your house, and what kind of fence you can put up. All in the guise of protecting property values. They will even mow you lawn and trim your hedges. And for this you pay a fee to the group. Well, more people are turning to the government for the same thing. Housing, health care, retirement, mortgages,education from k to a PhD. For all of this you pay taxes. And you give up certain freedoms like that homeowner. There needs to be some rules in a neighborhood, as regulations on industry. But just how much freedom do you want to lose?
Only the unselfish understands the message
Only those that agree with Socialism understands the message.
On Top officers urge higher TRICARE fees
I don't mind them raising TriCare Fees, but those currently covered should be "Grandfathered" and only "new" active duty family member's fees should be increased, and when the new military member retires, those fees continue. We, who have served have already paid the price as per our agreement when entering service and most of us members have been lied to already. The Government should not be able to change course after the boat has set sail. The current Soldiers, Sailors, and Airman deserve better than what these yahoos are saying!!!
Having no increase in two decades makes no sense. I agree there should be a tiered payment based on your retirement rank and when you retired. The real problem is the 20 year retirement. We have people in the organization who are retired military that have young kids. It is TriCare that is paying the bills, not the company health plan. Move the retirement years up to 25 and/or implement a minimum age to receive payments. That is what should be done along with a host of other things unrelated to the military.
Bottom line is that I do not mind paying more for family coverage since my family "did not come in my seabag", but my personal coverage should be free as promised. What is bankrupting the system is not paying for service members, but rather the extended family coverage.
Maybe it should be a sliding scale. They (retired 4stars) can pay $6,000 a year for their Tricare fee and enlisted retirees can pay the $500 (or less). Sounds fair.
On Burning Question: What's the most dangerous federal job that doesn't seem dangerous?
working at the VA !!! full of deceit, neoptism and croniism! Dangerous!!!
I am sorry, but that is no excuse, look how many USPS workers there are driving every work day of the year! And we could have paid this Census expenditure to the USPS to do, and taken a day off of mail, or on their normal routes, people trust the mail, and their mailperson. Paying the USPS would have shored up their budget short falls too. NO Excuses, indeed, it kind of shows the incompetence, and thus, this lame excuse is unacceptable.
On Gates questions long-term need for 11 Navy carriers
It is easy for Mr. Gates to speak against out of control spending at the Pentagon. It makes him look like he is against it. But deep down he knows that Congress is bought off by the military industrial complex and he will get all the toys the Pentagon wants and more.
Also, why are "fiscal conservatives" always for more and more military spending? Isn't spending more than the rest of the world combined a little over the top?
I'm sorry did Woodrow Wilson rise from his grave recently? Are we going to write off China, Russia and North Korea or is the plan to let India save the world in the future.
The SecDef is correct. What enemy are we defending against? Some made up ghost that we can't see? We do not need to spend 120 Billion dollars on surface ships when Russian is selling the ballistic capability to erase any one of them for the cost of a new G.M. Corvette. So the only good they do right now is saber rattling and you don't need 12 of them to do that. Wake up no one else on the planet has them or wants them. Come to the twenty first century my friend and smell the ballistic missles.
On Lawmakers sponsor bill to allow earlier FEHBP enrollment for adult kids
This is a great option and one I believe makes sense "good common sense". My daughter graduates college this month, and turns 22 in July. As of now, she doesn't have a job lined up. This option would allow me to continue coverage for her to --instead of stoping coverage for 6 months, pay for extra coverage, then reinstate her back. I am currently enrolled in a self and family plan, and will continue this coverage for my husband and me anyway. It seems unreasonable to have additional coverage for her, when she is already under my plan. It would be great to "grandfather" current enrolles, whose children turn 22 this year. Thank you
What they need to do for FEHBP is extend coverage for adult children that are in the category of Handicapped Adults and for those who are mentally impaired Adults with special needs for lifetime coverage. Those that cannot obtain jobs that will provide them with the health coverage they need and require to maintain their health.
Wah - wah - wah! More whining from one of the most pampered workforces on the planet! Instead of being grateful for the new benefit on January 1st, they want it NOW! Just like any other spoiled child! Go figure!!!
On Industry officials criticize 'quota-driven' Defense insourcing
Well, I know they are only trying to make an "honest" buck, but I did not hear these "industry officials" complaining when the last administration openly pushed an agenda of quota-driven outsourcing (they stated a goal of outsourcing 10% of federal positions per FY). Go figure.
Good plan. Make everyone a gov worker. You set salary and tell us where to live when your at it. We don't need that competition or flexablity for world changes. I think everyone whould make 50K and have a job guaranteed for life. We won't be productive and have to keep people around not doing anything when the task is no longer needed but we can always send the person to a couple of years of training to make them something else. If this sounds like the old Soviet system it is. But Obama can at least set your salary and work details.
The unions are doing a great job and are well supported by this Administration. Unfortunately, in my 35 years of government service, I have experienced that few government employees are capable of critical thinking and quantitative analysis. Most are simply nonproductive members of the workforce. Thus, when I want results, I am forced to hire contractors and I have no plans to curtail my actions. Secondly, this large surge in government hiring is not sustainable in the long run. An umpleasant reduction-in-force will result in a few years unless we begin to see the older workforce retire in droves. By then this Administration will be history and the next President will take the blame for the R.I.F.
On Workplace flexibility program moves full-speed ahead
I am sure the union will screw this up. My mistake, people can stay at home and do nothing. Much like union employees who actually show up for work. I am sure the union will be all for this. Go union.
My hope is that they will also put a timer on each employee participating in this ridiculous program so the amount of time it actually takes each employee to complete their work is tracked. That way, for every two employees who spend just 20 hours per week working but are able to complete their "work", one of them can be fired the following week and the one left over can actually put in 40 hours working. Stop inventing new ways to waste my tax money.
I've worked from home in the private sector and think it's generally Baby Boomers and older who think people can only work in offices. My job only requires email access and a phone, so if I teleworked the government could save on space and utilities in an already crowded building. The assumption that people would do less work at home says more to me about the people saying it than the rest of us. I am completely capable of getting things done at home- if you can't, don't hold it against the rest of us!
Do supervisors get to telework "wherever" and "whenever" too? That would be nice. Also, making telework an "entitlement" has the potential of creating huge problems all around. I hope OPM plans and develops that initiative VERY carefully.
On Lieberman: Strip terror suspects of their U.S. citizenship
YES. YES. Fianlly, we are getting the idea here. Strip the citizenship from these enemies. Enforce the law. Times are changing and the US has to change with them or we risk destroying our Nation!
Since when do we punish suspects before they are found guilty of a crime? Lieberman has over-reached on this to get a quick political boost.
A very dangerous precedent would be set if this were passed. Just what authority determines those who are terror suspects?
This administration feels threatened by the Tea Party, veterans and the Patriot Guard (they blocked them from attending the WV Miner memorial). The next admin might feel social justice seeking marxists are terror threats.
OK, how would that work with a terrorist who is native to the US and has no other citizenship to claim? Where would such a person be deported upon serving a sentence? Elba? Greenland? Is this like declaring someone an Outlaw?
What would the ACLU know about the Constitution? Charging a US Citizen with treason is the right thing to do but that would take an administration that believes there is real evil in those actions which they clearly don't want to say out loud for fear of losing a vote. Take a stand for America folks and get off this PC train.
Under the Constitution a terror suspect is considered innocent until proven guilty. Stripping a "suspect" of his citizenship before s/he is tried presumes guilt. If the Congress is going to run roughshod over the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, then we don't even need the terrorists -- they've already won.
Deborah, Can you point out the location of the gaurantee of rights for terrorists in the constitution please?
What is logical about taking away citizenship because a person "is accused of" being connected to a terrorist group. Didn't something like that happen in the 50's, think it was called mccarthyism, except now we are saying terrorist instead of communist. Let's not give up our fundamental freedoms, like innocent until proven guilty, that so many of our citizens have fought and died to protect.
I disagree with the senator. They should not be stripped of their citizenship. Rather they should be held accountable as a US citizen. If they are suspected of aiding and abetting terrorist enemies of their country (US), they should be tried for treason. If found guilty, they should be executed!
On House debates telework legislation
Watch them define "telework-eligible employee" so narrowly that the status quo, a deep-seated fear of not having everyone on site all the time, will prevail. Maybe tie compliance to budget...
Teleworking is defintitely a positive and proven asset for the government workforce. By teleworking I have reduced my fuel costs, improved performance and efficiency during times of emergencies (recent snowstorms and wind storms in the area) and have a higher level of appreciation for my agency in providing the necessary tools to fully function in the teleworking capacity.
People will just goof off at home; I know becuase that what I do. This is not public good will.
NEXT STORY: Counterprogramming at OPM