Letter to the editor on GAO pay issues
To the Editor:
I was disappointed to read the April 27 article entitled, "GAO Settles Pay Dispute with 12 of 308 Employees," because the article, which was based almost entirely on unnamed sources, contains numerous errors.
For example, an overwhelming majority of GAO analysts placed in Band IIA did receive some pay increase, and the alleged performance level required for placement in Band IIB is wrong. In addition, contrary to your article, we have already provided the Congress with the data it requested related to our market-based compensation study.
Furthermore, contrary to the article's assertion, I did not make any statement regarding appeal rights of the Band IIA employees. For the record, all Band IIA employees had the ability to file a reconsideration request directly with me, as well as the ability to file with our Office of Opportunity and Inclusiveness or our Personnel Appeals Board. This gave all Band IIA employees two rights of appeal. That seems to be more than fair.
I will be testifying in the Congress on this and related matters in late May. I am looking forward to the opportunity to address the misinformation and disinformation that some have been spreading regarding our reforms.
David M. Walker
Comptroller General of the United States