The management grades and how they were determined

Few Cabinet secretaries throw themselves into the day-to-day management of their departments, preferring to delegate such responsibilities. But the secretaries do set a tone, and their attention-or inattention-to career staff can greatly affect the department's morale, performance, and reputation.

This grade reflects some subjective judgments. If a Cabinet secretary inherited a smooth-running department and hasn't messed things up, he or she might get a B. If a Cabinet secretary inherited a dysfunctional bureaucracy and has made impressive strides, he or she might get an A, even if the department's overall performance isn't at an A level.

Questions we considered included the following:

  • What was the general reputation of the department when the secretary arrived? Has that reputation changed for the better or the worse?
  • What kind of performance grade did the department get in Bush's budget, and is there a sense that improvements have been made since then?
  • Are career bureaucrats generally happy with the secretary's leadership, or is there a lot of dissension?
  • Do the people who do business with the department feel that they have an opportunity to be heard?
  • Are policy decisions conveyed clearly to affected parties?
  • Do the sub-Cabinet departments cooperate with each other?
  • Are the ultimate consumers of the department's programs being well served?
The Grades

Mitch Daniels, Office of Management and Budget
Donald Evans, Commerce
Colin Powell, State
Tommy Thompson, Health and Human Services

Norman Mineta, Transportation
Anthony Principi, Veterans Affairs
George Tenet, CIA
Ann Veneman, Agriculture

Spencer Abraham, Energy
John Ashcroft, Justice
Elaine Chao, Labor
Mel Martinez, HUD
Gale Norton, Interior
Donald Rumsfeld, Defense

Paul O'Neill, Treasury
Roderick Paige, Education
Christie Whitman, EPA

No grade given
Tom Ridge, Homeland Security