A regular feature of GovExec.com, Comings and Goings announces the arrivals and departures of top federal managers and executives. To submit an announcement, e-mail it to webmaster@govexec.com or fax it to 202-739-8511.
President Clinton has announced that he intends to nominate
G. Edward DeSeve to be deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget. DeSeve has been acting deputy director since last summer, when new year 2000 czar John Koskinen left the government's top management position. DeSeve is also controller at OMB.
The Federal Technology Service has a new assistant commissioner: former Veterans Affairs telecommunications chief Frank Lalley. Lalley started at FTS March 16. He will lead the federal government's transition to the FTS 2001 long-distance telecommunications service contracts this fall. Lalley has been with the VA since 1987, and was its associate deputy assistant secretary for telecommunications from 1994 until this week. He was an Energy Department analyst from 1975 to 1987, and a civilian Army employee from 1969 to 1974.
Clarissa C. Potter has been named the Treasury Department's acting legislative counsel. She takes over for Jonathan Talisman, who is now deputy assistant secretary for tax policy.
Elliott Laws, former Environmental Protection Agency Assistant Administrator for the office of solid waste and emergency response, will head up a new EPA advisory committee on civil rights. Over the past five years, complaints about environmental racism have been on the rise. Laws is a partner at the Washington law firm of Patton Boggs.
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Director John Wells is off to the private sector to start a consulting firm. Wells helped end last year's UPS strike.
NEXT STORY: Senator: Let Seniors Into FEHBP