IRS to Solve Problems Saturday

IRS to Solve Problems Saturday

November 12, 1997


IRS to Solve Problems Saturday

The IRS will begin holding the first of its "problem-solving days" for taxpayers on Saturday, the Associated Press reported.

At the events, which will be held in 33 cities, IRS employees will talk to citizens with tax problems and attempt to solve as many of them as possible on the spot. Senior agency managers will participate in the events, along with designated "taxpayer advocates" from various IRS offices.

The IRS pledged to begin holding the "problem-solving days" in the wake of Senate hearings this fall in which taxpayers and IRS employees accused the service of using unethical and illegal methods to boost tax collections.

"This is our chance to show what we can do and to tell our own story," Ellen Murphy, the IRS assistant director in Dallas, told the AP.

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