News Briefs

News Briefs

The following news summaries are from OPM AM, the daily newsletter of the Office of Personnel Management. OPM AM is available on OPM Mainstreet, the agency's electronic bulletin board, at 202-606-4800.

October 29, 1997

News Briefs


News Briefs

Conference Announcements

BETTER GOVERNMENT--"OPM has led the government in downsizing and set an example for others in making the hard decisions that are necessary to operate within dramatically reduced funding levels while continuing to successfully carry out its mission (Bangor Daily News, 10/8/97).

THE FEDERAL DIARY--Today's column offers this advice on the ups and downs of the stock market and how they affect the federal Thrift Savings Plan investments, "The best advice people can have if they are long-term investors is don't do anything" (The Washington Post).

FEDERAL TIMES--Thousands of employees mistakenly placed by their agencies in the wrong retirement system may have to wait until next year for Congress to resolve the errors...Employees could buy more life insurance, under a bill passed Oct. 22 by a key House subcommittee...Six agencies appear to have used favoritism in hiring over the last two years, according to a GAO audit..."An open season to switch retirement systems, recently vetoed by President Clinton, could be resurrected"...Rumors of a buyout deal are not true...FAA overhauls sexual harassment policies (Federal Times, 11/3/97).

IRS--The IRS told Congress yesterday that its affirmative-action employment policy remains in force while the agency works out new guidelines to overcome constitutional objections by the courts (The Washington Times).


Access America Conferences

The National Performance Review (NPR), will launch a series of informational conferences aimed at providing government employees and private industry IT officials with techniques and strategies for implementing the goals of Access America, an NPR report outlining steps to increase access--via the Internet--to government services. The first conference will be held November 3 (changed from September 25) in Baltimore, Md. and then will travel to other cities across the country. Expert panels will discuss IT topics, including Internet/Intranet successes, the future of Distance Learning and collaboration, IT acquisition and procurement reform, and privacy and security.

Improving the Government's Estimates of the Costs and Benefits of Regulation

On Sept. 30 the Office of Management and Budget issued its first report to Congress that tallies the costs and benefits of federal regulation. This conference, sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and the Brookings Institute, will bring together scholars and administration representatives to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the report. Topics to be addressed include methodology, the implications of the estimates themselves and suggested modifications. The conference will be held October 31 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the American Enterprise Institute, 1150 17th St, NW. For more information call 202-862-5847.

DTIC Annual Conference

The Defense Technical Information Center is presenting its Annual Users Meeting and Training Conference on Nov. 3-6, 1997 at the DoubleTree Hotel, National Airport, Arlington, Va. The conference theme is Information in the New Millenium. Contact Ms. Julia Foscue at 703-767-8236 or by e-mail at

NEXT STORY: CIOs' Roles Are Questioned