News Briefs
News BriefsConference Announcements
EEOC-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chairman Gilbert F. Casellas announced he will resign at the end of the year. Through reforms, the EEOC has reduced its backlog of cases from 112,000 at the beginning of Casellas' term to about 70,000 today. (EEOC Press Release)
COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM-In the Treasury-Postal appropriations bill passed this week by the House and Senate, Congress eliminated a program, which was never actually put in place, that would have allowed state and local governments to purchase certain goods off the General Services Administration's Federal Supply Schedule. Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., a proponent of the cooperative purchasing program, was unable to keep it intact.
The National Performance Review (NPR), will launch a series of informational conferences aimed at providing government employees and private industry IT officials with techniques and strategies for implementing the goals of Access America, an NPR report outlining steps to increase access--via the Internet--to government services. The first conference will be held November 3 (changed from September 25) in Baltimore, Md. and then will travel to other cities across the country. Expert panels will discuss IT topics, including Internet/Intranet successes, the future of Distance Learning and collaboration, IT acquisition and procurement reform, and privacy and security.
Industry Advisory Council's Executive Leadership Conference
October 5-7, 1997 Richmond, Virginia. Forty-six hours of exciting and important keynotes, workshops and frank discussions on the topics foremost in the minds of both government and industry leaders such as "How the Internet is changing the way we do business;" "Public vs private competition: Does it make sense?" and "Past Performance of Past Performance." $265 for government attendees and $425 for industry members. Register separately at the Richmond Marriott (804) 643-3400. Contact Mary Ellen Geoffroy, Executive Director of IAC at 703-218-1965.
DTIC Annual Conference
The Defense Technical Information Center is presenting its Annual Users Meeting and Training Conference on Nov. 3-6, 1997 at the DoubleTree Hotel, National Airport, Arlington, Va. The conference theme is Information in the New Millenium. Contact Ms. Julia Foscue at 703-767-8236 or by e-mail at
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