Walter Cronkite's voice will join John Koskinen, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, for a satellite broadcast to federal agencies later this month about the Government Performance and Results Act. The act requires all agencies to begin measuring and reporting on the performance of their programs.
The broadcast will take place on Jan. 29 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. EST. For satellite locations, click here.
Besides, GPRA, other topics to be covered in the broadcast include:
Online Recruitment. How do you use the Internet to recruit employees?
Buyouts. The specifics of the 1997 round of buyouts will be discussed.
Performance Management. The State Department's revamped Performance Management System will showcased.
Compensation. DOD's new Compensation Tracking System will be demonstrated.
For technical information, contact your agency's personnel office, audiovisual coordinator, or the communications/satellite forum on OPM Mainstreet via modem at 202-606-4800. To receive information on future programs, fax your name and fax number to Robin Brennan at 202-606-2340 or
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