Open Season Update

Open Season Update

November 14, 1996

Open Season Update

OPM has recently released several announcements concerning open season for the Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and health plans. They have also issued instructions on the use of their automated personnel systems and Internet site. We've assembled clippings from their announcements below:

References to the "E street lobby" and rooms in the TRB building refer to OPM's Washington, DC headquarters at 1900 E Street, NW.

**TSP Open Season** Open season for the Thrift Savings Plan runs from November 15, 1996 to January 31, 1997. During this time you can obtain form TSP-1 in Rm. 1447 - TRB to make changes. or you can also use Employee Express for TSP Open Season. Call (912) 757-3087 to access Employee Express from your desk or go to the touchscreen computer in the E Street Lobby. Remember to have your personal ID.

**FEHB OPEN SEASON**Between November 11-December 9 is the time to make changes in your health coverage. To make an election, pick up SF-2809 in Room 1447 of the TRB. FEHB brochures and guides are available upon request. Also, remember Employee Express for open season changes (more information below).

**EMPLOYEE EXPRESS** Employee Express can be used to change your payroll address, allotments, direct deposit, income tax withholdings, and Personal Identification Number (PIN). During open seasons, you can use it to start or change your health benefits and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) enrollments. For Employee Express, call (912) 757-3087 from your desk or go to the touchscreen computer in the E Street Lobby. Touchscreen computers are also available at the Retirement Operations Center in Boyers, Pennsylvania, and the OPM office in Macon, Georgia. Or, you can call Employee Express from any touch tone phone 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week by calling 1 (800) 827-6297. If you have forgotten or cannot find your PIN, call the Employee Express Help Desk at (912) 757-3030 to get it reissued. Once you have your PIN, you can change it if you wish.

1997 FEHB GUIDE--Employees and annuitants looking for a new health plan for 1997 can now find a wealth of helpful information on the Internet. The address,, provides FEHB customers direct access to health benefits information ([OPM]Office of Communications News Release, November 12).

NEXT STORY: Cabinet Changes Continue