News Briefs

News Briefs

November 5, 1996

News Briefs

The following news summaries are from OPM AM, the daily newsletter of the Office of Personnel Management. OPM AM is available on OPM Mainstreet, the agency's electronic bulletin board, at 202-606-4800.

THE FEDERAL DIARY--One of the 800 numbers listed (for health plans in Florida) in the new FEHB guide connects callers with the wrong place. Today's column advises "hang up" if you dial a number and don't get info on health insurance (The Washington Post).

BANKING AGENCIES--"For two of the federal agencies that regulate the banking industry, financial prosperity for the nation's banks and thrifts has meant less work and, consequently, the need for fewer employees" (The Washington Post).

THE FEDERAL TIMES--IRS and NTEU have negotiated alternatives to layoffs..."The result of these years of tinkering is that now the pay gap between average federal and private-sector salaries is about the same as it was before the new pay system took effect"(Editorial)...Buyout offers will be carefully targeted in coming months, because each agency must prove it is eliminating jobs through buyouts...The January 1998 base pay raise for GS employees should be 2.8 percent (The Federal Times, November 11).

OTHER VIEWS--NARFE membership is the best insurance policy available (Retirement Life Magazine, Washington, D.C., October)...NARFE volunteers lending a hand to personnel offices (Retirement Life Magazine, Washington, D.C., October)...Federal jobs on the WWW (Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA, September 30).

OF INTEREST--"Go vote, but cool the politics on the job" (The Wall Street Journal, Work Week)...Should managers tell colleagues that they are gay? (The Wall Street Journal, Managing Your Career)...Viatical firms fight insurers over rules on settlements (The Washington Times).

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