News Briefs

News Briefs

October 21, 1996

News Briefs

The following news summaries are from OPM AM, the daily newsletter of the Office of Personnel Management. OPM AM is available on OPM Mainstreet, the agency's electronic bulletin board, at 202-606-4800.

CAREER TRANSITIONS--Secretary of Labor Robert Reich and OPM Director Jim King will enter into an agreement to further the effort to help federal workers displaced by federal downsizing make the most painless transition possible to new careers. OPM and DOL are introducing a new Internet Web site -- "Planning Your Future -- A Federal Employees Survival Guide" located at The site compiles and offers the most up-to-date career information available from across the nation ([OPM] Office of Communications News Release).

CAREER CENTER OPENS--The new career transition center is now open in Wheaton, Maryland (Rockville Gazette, October 16).

THE FEDERAL DIARY--"The U.S. government probably keeps more statistics on more people, places and things than any outfit in the world. Smaller government is a hot item" (The Washington Post, Monday)...The C-fund return in the federal Thrift Savings Plan continues to attract attention and funds (The Washington Post, Sunday).

JOB OUTLOOK--"The outlook for job creation is the brightest in the 10-year history of the American Management Association's annual survey of companies" (USA TODAY).

BOOKSHELF--Fans of the comic strip Dilbert may want to check out "Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook, As told to Scott Adams" by Scott Adams...and...Another suggested good read, "Aiming Higher: 25 Stories of How Companies Prosper by Combining Sound Management and Social Vision," by David Bollier (USA TODAY).

DOWNSIZING--Message to downsized workers: Jobs are available, but it's a secret. Some companies are so rattled by recent layoffs, they cannot get their acts together. Employees claim that corporate career-transition centers aren't much help (The Wall Street Journal).

OTHER VIEWS--Mark Ponsolle received a certificate honoring his participation on the Minneapolis Presidential Rank Awards Program Meritorious Review Board from OPM (Bulletin, Cottage Grove, MN, September 4)...The Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service Health Services Program received the 1996 OPM Director's Award for Outstanding Employee Health Services Program (Battle Creek Enquirer, Battle Creek, MI, September 11)...Scott & White Health Plan receives high-marks from a national consumer guidebook (Thorndale Champion, Thorndale, TX, September 5).

OF INTEREST--The danger of career resilience programs is the current trend to use them to supplant job security (Government Executive, October)...Chances for seniors to find work may be improving in today's tight labor market, especially if they're willing to start at the bottom (The Washington Post).

NEXT STORY: HUD Focusing on FHA Reform