October 15, 1996
GOP Trashes Reinvention
The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee's report found that reinvention has saved the government $3 billion, considerably less than the $118 billion the Vice President, in his recent report, The Best Kept Secrets in Government, said National Performance Review-led initiatives have saved.
The report argued that the GAO found that only 24 percent of National Performance Review recommendations have been carried out completely, and that 70 percent of the jobs cut during the Clinton Administration were in the Defense Department. The cuts, the committee concluded, had more to do with the end of the Cold War than the National Performance Review's management reforms.
In its agency-by-agency analysis of government management, the report said waste and redundancy were still rampant.
"Public perceptions of pervasive waste, fraud and mismanagement in the federal government are unfortunately accurate," the committee said.
NEXT STORY: State Upset Over Leak