News Briefs

News Briefs

September 12, 1996

News Briefs

News summaries from OPM AM, the daily newsletter of the Office of Personnel Management. OPM AM is available on OPM Mainstreet, the agency's electronic bulletin board, at 202-606-4800.

THE FEDERAL DIARY--"Thousands of federal workers in at least a dozen major agencies will be offered the chance to take early retirement on immediate annuities during the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1. There will be no buyouts this time, however, unless Congress approves them agency by agency" (The Washington Post).

AROUND GOVERNMENT-"The White House said last night that about 20 of its staff members have asked the Justice Department to reimburse them for legal expenses they incurred while responding to congressional investigations of the Clinton Administration" (The Washington Post)...The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee is preparing to issue a blistering report on the 1993 White House travel-office firings asserting that presidential aides covered up key facts about the event (The Wall Street Journal).

THE FEDERAL TIMES--Employees at Transportation Department headquarters may never know if the itchy eyes, headaches and fatigue are caused by poor air in the building. A panel has concluded it cannot evaluate reported medical problems...A union council in Puerto Rico is threatening not to participate in a new committee to oversee cost- of-living allowance surveys...Congress has reviewed ways to reduce workers' compensation, but the GAO says several issues must be considered first...It is sad to realize that planning for potential violence at work should be part of the federal experience (The Federal Times, September 16).

OTHER VIEWS--The federal government could open up millions of dollars worth of health- care-related procurement for small businesses, starting next year (Business News, Dayton, OH, August 12; Business First, Columbus, OH, August 5; Tampa Bay Business Journal, Tampa, FL, July 26; Business First, Columbus, OH, July 26)...IRS makes appealing target (Oregonian, Portland, OR, August 8; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh, PA, August 11)...Bill would eliminate health plan incentives for use of mail-order pharmacy (FDC Reports, Chevy Chase, MD, August 12; Weekly Pharmacy Reports, Chevy Chase, MD, August 12).

NEXT STORY: Clinton to Approve DoD Raise