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John McCain Weighs In on his Foreign Policy 'Bromance' with Obama

Senator has been sent to Egypt to represent the United States.

Senator John McCain, President Obama's new foreign policy friend from the GOP, was on CNN Thursday to call the current state of U.S. -Russian relations a return to "1955," and to explain what happened on his White House-sanctioned trip to solve the Egypt crisis (he didn't). But most importantly, McCain addressed Obama's comments on Leno earlier this week regarding the budding "bromance" between the two. While many politicians are careful about not giving silly answers to obviously silly questions, McCain is running with Obama's quip that the two were in a relationship akin to a "romantic comedy," because that's what you do when you're in love.

(the relevant bit starts at about 4:00) 

To recap, Obama told Leno on Tuesday that the two, formerly opponents for the office of the president, had since found some common ground: "that’s how a classic romantic comedy goes. Initially you’re not getting along and then you keep bumping into each other," he joked.  

Read more at The Atlantic Wire.