FAIR Act Report - Office of Special Counsel

While these jobs are commercial in nature, the Office of Special Counsel has determined that none of them will be contracted out.

Activity Number of Jobs Location
Financial and Payroll Services* 1.25 Management division, Washington, D.C.
Administrative telephone services .10 Management division, Washington, D.C.
Other non-manufacturing operations .50 Immediate Office of the Special Counsel, Washington, D.C.
Other non-manufacturing operations .20 Planning and Advice division, Washington, D.C.
Data processing services .25 Management division, Washington, D.C.
Maintenance of ADP Equipment 1 Management division, Washington, D.C.
Systems design, development and programming services 1.75 Management division, Washington, D.C.
Software services .50 Management division, Washington, D.C.
Other ADP functions .25 Management division, Washington, D.C.
Training, development and support .375 Immediate Office of the Special Counsel, Washington, D.C.
Total: 6.175

*Certain budget drafting, budget execution, and financial management responsibilities are in the process of conversion to an inter-service support agreement (ISSA), which means another agency will do the work for them.