Pay & Benefits
How Many Times Can You Retire From Government?
Senator reveals not one, not two, but three public pensions atop his salary.
Lawmakers Continue to Probe IRS
Congress returns from recess to three more IRS hearings and a lawsuit.
Meet the Man Who Set Off the IRS Firestorm
Treasury IG once stalked the halls of the Capitol for senators’ autographs. Now he’s there to testify.
Top IRS Official to Invoke Fifth, Issa Issues Subpoena
Head of tax exempt division has asked not to appear before oversight committee.
Top White House Aides Informed of IRS Troubles, but Didn’t Tell Obama
Acknowledgement raises questions about how the White House has managed the scandal.
Eric Holder Offers Little Information, Much Ire for Republicans
Hearing did little to diffuse tensions with the GOP or contain the growing grassfire of scandals
Attorney General Calls Lawmaker 'Unacceptable and Shameful'
This much is clear: Eric Holder and Rep. Darrell Issa do not like each other.
The Quiet Charm Offensive of Obama's Chief of Staff
Denis McDonough’s openness and availability is garnering positive reviews.
Why Would Anyone Want to Run for Congress?
How political parties seduce citizens into positions in the nation’s most despised club.
Reid: Hagel Vote to Be Held Friday
Majority leader accuses Republicans of playing politics while the nation is at war.
Conservative group gets out of Boehner's way on debt limit
Group will continue to push for 'sensible limits on the growth of government,' leader says.
Senators pitch filibuster alternative
Bipartisan proposal would avert a showdown over the filibuster 'nuclear option.'
Poll Shows Americans Fear Entitlement Cuts the Most in 'Cliff' Talks
A plurality have already fingered a favorite scapegoat if Congress and the White House fail to reach an agreement: everyone
Democratic keynoter has echoes of Obama
Thirty-seven-year-old San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro has been on political watchers' lists.
Why Issa won't drop 'fast and furious'
With less than 100 days until the elections, political calculations are also invariably at play.
Boehner calls debt limit 'leverage to make the system work'
The House speaker acknowledges criticism over last summer's debt showdown.
No ethics penalties for lawmakers arrested with Clooney
Panel said it considered the 'scope and nature of the conduct.'
Gingrich defends lunar ambitions
GOP contender says talk in Florida of building a moon base "was not some slip."