Author Archive
Kris van Riper
5 Tips for Hiring the Next Generation of Feds
Attracting millennial job seekers requires a different approach.
- Jean Martin and Kris van Riper, CEB
3 Ways to Build an Agile Workforce
With the right tools, employees can drive change instead of hitting the brakes.
- Kris van Riper and Liz Joyce, CEB
Employee Engagement Isn’t Enough
Only an agile workforce can capitalize on change and uncertainty.
- Kris van Riper and Derek Bekebrede, CEB
How to Review Your Agency’s FedView Results
Identifying ways to improve amidst waning employee morale.
- Kris van Riper and Derek Bekebrede, CEB
4 Ways to Improve Morale Post-Shutdown
A turning point for federal employee engagement is upon us.
- Kris van Riper and Liz Joyce, CEB