The document that might spell trouble for ex-Navy SEAL author
Non-disclosure agreements that require many to submit manuscripts to the government before they publish books for the general public.
Prosecutors: U.S. soldiers plotted to kill President Obama
The plot was apparently uncovered in relation to a murder case surrounding the killing of former soldier and his girlfriend in December.
White House keeps mum on request for beer recipe
Carney: "Not aware of any plans at this time to divulge the secret recipe."
Fox News outs Navy SEAL Team 6 author
The veteran Navy SEAL had intended to stay anonymous while promoting his tell-all book.
Obama's Navy SEAL critics are failing
The veterans' excessive partisan remarks are turning them into a laughingstock within the special forces community.
Neo-Nazis are using the Army as a training camp
The recruiting practice is gaining scrutiny in light of the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting.
U.N. observers pull out of Syria
After four months the mission is pulling out of the country, citing escalating violence
White House, State Department back Russian punk band
U.S. expresses concern over harsh prison sentences for Pussy Riot members.
Four-star general put in timeout over allegedly lavish expenses
General Kip Ward is under investigation for spending taxpayer money on lavish travel expenses.
Potheads take an interest in Operation Fast & Furious
Marijuana raids aimed to distract public from gun-walking investigation, book contends.
Meet America's first openly gay general
Army reserve officer Tammy Smith is promoted to brigadier general and publicly acknowledges her sexuality for the first time.
Romney accidentally sympathizes with Obama on fiscal crisis
Next president should get six months to one year to deal with the situation, Romney says.
The right has found their leaker
Several conservatives believe national security adviser Tom Donilon is behind the latest round of security leaks.
Everyone has something to lose in D.C.'s leak fever
The crackdowns could backfire on the administration, Congress, and others.
There's a hex on Obama's Commerce secretaries
John Bryson is the 4th person nominated for the position by President Obama.
White House, lawmakers differ in views of recent leaks
Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is at odds with the administration on national security leaks.
Pay & Benefits
The federal worker who most deserves a bonus
Agent involved in the bin Laden raid earns the equivalent of one third of his salary.
Homeland Security communicated with local officials about Occupy
Documents reveal the agency tried to coordinate with local police departments.