TSP Officials Tout Sizeable Improvement in Annual Employee Satisfaction Survey Scores
Employee engagement at the Thrift Savings Plan improved 7 points in 2020, while the agency scored stellar marks on its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Federal Housing Finance Agency Improves Its Employee Satisfaction Scores
It’s “important for all federal employees to be regularly reminded about the bigger impact they have,” said Director Mark Calabria.
After Multiple Delays, OPM to Begin Fielding Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
The agency will ask all federal employees to respond to the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey across two six-week waves, meaning most results will not be available to agencies or for public viewing until 2021.
House Lawmakers Demand Info on Viewpoint Survey Delay
Last month, the Office of Personnel Management announced that it would delay administration of the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey just four days before it was slated to commence.
OPM Delays Annual Workforce Survey Again Four Days Before Kickoff
The federal government’s human resources agency declined to explain the reasoning for the last minute postponement aside from allowing agencies to “focus on critical missions.”
After COVID Delay, OPM Prepares for 2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
This year’s iteration of the annual survey of federal workers’ engagement and morale will begin on July 13 and include questions about agencies’ response to the coronavirus pandemic.
USDA Continues Its Descent in Engagement Ratings
The Agriculture Department retained its position as second to worst large agency in the Partnership for Public Service’s annual rankings of Best Places to Work in the Federal Government.
NASA Ranks as the Best Place to Work in Government for Eighth Year
Partnership for Public Service notes a “modest drop in employee engagement” overall across government.
'You Spoke, We Listened': How HHS Rapidly Improved Employee Viewpoint Survey Participation
Top HR officials made a year-round effort to highlight how the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey shapes the department.
How Five Federal Agencies Fostered Innovation
New report showcases initiatives including a procurement lab and virtual internship program.
'Stepchildren' Feds Who Work Outside D.C. Report Lower Engagement on Average
Public Service nonprofit offers tips for motivating field office staff.
Why Engagement Matters and How to Improve It
The results of past employee viewpoint surveys haven’t been very useful to most frontline managers trying to address challenges specific to their organizations.